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inmyshoes-8@blogspot.com ♥
Sunday, May 24, 2009


somedays you just sit and wonder..where did time go? everything happens so quickly..and before i know it, i have already completed my first year of uni. the killer exams seemed so distant like as if it has become history. call me strange but when in london, i feel as if all my yesterdays seem like a week ago. sometimes i even feel as though my life is progressing before me, everything happens so quickly that i have no time to process what is going on but just live on. it's weird but it happens. perhaps there is just too many things to do in london..and that is what makes me feel so fortunate. to be in one of the busiest cities in the world where boredom is never an issue.

exams were alright. some were bad..some good..some just hard to say. i'm soooooooo glad that it's all over except that i wish i could redo my econs paper again =S the only paper that counts for my degree in the first yr and yet, i felt like i had brain jam :( all i can do now is just pray for the best.

the post-exam period can never be better! i love how it feels to be so free. okay just a short update. i'm off to watch desperate housewives :)
Sunday, April 05, 2009


the frustration is beyond words. 23 more days till exam. and i'm not even close to being done with studying. truth is, there is no way to finish studying 8 modules in just a month! *sigh* why do they even do this to us? i just feel like disappearing sometimes, hiding away and live the life of a fairytale (as u can tell, i've gone a bit cuckoo) and my new addiction is killing me. my fire is dying out. sometimes i feel like giving up...but i won't! i MUST persevere (but how?)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


i think i've found my new addiction. it's not muller crunch corner, not chicken kobez wrap but baby it's you! i spend everday till midnight with you and i just can't stop feeling guilty when i'm not with you. and this is how it's gonna be the next few weeks. just you and me!

oh library- you're my new best friend :)
Sunday, March 22, 2009


once again i land my thoughts here. it's the place i come for comfort and to spill my feelings. so..do we really learn from mistakes? or do we just go on doing what we desire without pondering upon the past and the consequences of our actions?

have u ever been in the state of mind where you feel like you don't know who you are? well at least u thought u knew but for that one moment in time you just completely forget about everything u used to know about urself..and how u stick by your principles. it's crazy really..to completely forget and just follow your heart. is it wise to always follow your heart? especially when ur brain says no but ur heart says yes and that u know for sure your brain makes more sense?

i dont know you..but i do.
i'm full of regret..but don't regret it a single bit.
i can't control it..but i can n i refuse to.

there are times you just don't know who you are and feel pretty messed up. n at the same time, u feel like u're flying high with happiness.
Friday, November 14, 2008


look who's finally back :)

where do i start?? my...it has been 2 months since i step foot in this foreign country and i must say that these 2 months have been the uber hectic 2 months of my life! time just flies so fast that all the yesterdays seems like weeks ago. i have to say my biggest regret is not doing anything for the past three months before i got here.

i still remember the day that i left for london. i had no feeling whatsoever of excitement, neither was i happy nor sad. i was just plain numb. even after i stepped down in london, i still felt numb. n then the days went by, we started going for orientations and i had to admit i was a getting a lil excited meeting new people and listening to the speeches by the university people.

when lectures started however..then came my depression period. i was constantly feeling depressed about my lectures, how they were totally not the way i had expected it to be..and i kept comparing how interested i was in Economics back in college than I am now over here. i remember the pain of sulking everyday, the stress that was constantly bugging me about whether i made the right choice, the depression of not being able to talk to my parents about it because i didn't want to disappoint them, just the bare feeling of not having anyone to REALLY understand my frustration.

i hated everything..i kept wondering whether i would pull through 3 years here. thoughts about whether i was at the right place and whether i should just crawl back to the comfort of home kept creeping into my mind. it was to the extend that i actually considered going back to malaysia to study. this went on for so long...until some time last week, i decided that i had to put a stop on all this. for some reason i felt that i should be thankful and grateful for being where i am now..a world renowned uni that many people may be fighting hard and dying to get in.

what else could i possibly ask for? as Times rank UCL as the 7th best university in the world??? furthermore, i'm living in central London..being in a city that never sleeps? living in a major global city which is one of the world's leading business and financial centres? what have i got to whine about? so what if the lectures are boring or they don't deliver the lectures in a way tht i find easy to understand?? i came to the conclusion that this was MY choice. i have to be responsible for it... it could be the wrong choice but life has to go on and i figured that it is up to me to work hard for the choice i had made for even if it was wrong, it could turn out right.

so there you have it. my 1 month plus worth of frustration all in a nutshell :) sorry if i bored u to death. but really...no words could explain how depressed and frustrated i was with life back then.
and tht explains my MIA from the blogosphere. toodles!

Thursday, August 28, 2008


hello! just a quick update as i've been away from the blogosphere for quite some time now. fyi, i've watched Mirrors! hehe. its a pretty cool show that got my heart jumping a few times. its because when you think theres nothing that is scary about tht part, u might want to think again. before you know it, you'll be gripping on to ur seat and for the faint hearted, maybe screaming. i shall say...the scary clips in the movie is not as predictable as most horror movies so it's a must see! :)

be sure to catch it in cinemas before it creeps out of the box office!

recently, i've been shopping mostly for stuff to bring to london. i'm leaving on September 15th people! that's if i get my visa done on time. i haven't even gotten my confirmation letter yet! apparently other unis use dhl..but ucl uses normal post :( stingy ppl. oh btw for those of you who don't know yet, I'll be doing an Economics degree in UCL (University College London). someone tell me wht to do!! so frustrating. and the admissions officer is not being very helpful either.. n now she's out of her office until 2nd September. how screwed am i????

i've got everything done. now all i need is that letter. sigh. have to start packing my baggage too.
okay that'd be it for today. till then! remember to watch Mirrors! :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008


i'm tired, i'm sleepy but i can't get anywhere because ultimately i feel so scared!!
WHY? okay let me fill you in. I was booking for movies and then i remembered coming across a movie titled "MIRRORS" in midvalley. thought i would check it out to see whether it's suspenseful as u probably know (or not) that i love watching horror movies! so i went to youtube to check out the trailer

BAD BAD IDEA! considering the time now is 2 in the morning. its been a while since i last watched a horror movie so i guess my tolerance level has severely dropped. what more, it suddenly occured to me that the gates of hell officially opened 2 hours ago (hungry ghost festival!).

i tried to comfort myself by chatting with vee. but look where it got me

[c=48]v v V v v veevee[/c] * 923 * says:
dont worry lar
[c=48]v v V v v veevee[/c] * 923 * says:
if u dont tink bout them
[c=48]v v V v v veevee[/c] * 923 * says:
nothing will happen
Su-Ann says:
and if i do???????
[c=48]v v V v v veevee[/c] * 923 * says:
then nothing will happen too
[c=48]v v V v v veevee[/c] * 923 * says:
[c=48]v v V v v veevee[/c] * 923 * says:

so comforting ain't it?
Now i'm more scared than I was.
thanks vee :)

btw..the trailer is pretty good and the movie seems interesting


i reckon it would be better for you to click it in the morning though!
