hellooo!! i didn't update for two days cause there was nothing much to blog about..and today is another of one of those days :) but anyhoos...this post is gonna be random. hmm let's see. oh! on another note..i finally found a program tht could fit 4 wintersonata episodes on a DVD!! (video format..not data disc) yay!! finally :) so happy. although it takes forever..but i'm still overjoyed!
i have an idea! i'm gonna put up really really random pics tht are in my comp..well they say a picture speaks a thousand words, so here u go!
alrite this picture has a lil story behind it. see i went for a farm trip and we visited an orchard which gave me a bad impression on orchards. haha. anyway, you know how professional photographers always take upclose pics? yea..i was trying to do that..but i didn't notice i took this ugly flower into experiment. haha. and it didn't turn up very well..actually it's quite bad rite? no focus at all hehei don't know whether it's just me..but somehow this pic makes me look like one of them *a bloody cow* haha :)
*ggrrrr* no one gets hold of my oreo mcflurry! (this was so candid..don't ask me what i was doing.lol)
beatrice's first try on the tarzan rope and..2nd try! still not good enough X) i don't wanna put up my tries...u don't have the privilege to view them. its just too embarassing. haha. btw..can u spot the lamoo (yun)?
wei pin! we always have funny pictures of him :)
sarah's party! this is so depressing..i spent so long to make this collage and it looks THIS tiny. sigh.oh well.
hope u had fun! i cant believe i spent so much time jus to upload these pics..haha..anyways..this is it for now. i need a break from the computer. bye! *muackx*
okay so the start of november although a.k.a happy holidays isn't really wht i was looking forward to. it has really been a dull start for this month. with absolutely nothing to do..well okay im exaggerating a lil but these past few days i have been lying in bed tucked in and watching korean soaps and desperate housewives. not very ideal for a holiday..but it's alright.
today was no exception. i had to get up extremely early..around 7 something (bare in mind..holiday!!) yea..and had to go see the doctor about my eye problem. yes tht gross swollen eye part of mine which had been there for 2 months plus now. when i arrived at the clinic, i was only scared about one thing...the hope of not having the doctor touch tht part of my eye..because it causes bad irritation. sure enough, the first thing she said to me.. "good morning, oh..your eye is bad! looks like i'm going to have to prick tht little swollen ball in ur eye to get rid of the puss" n then she walks away and comes back with a little syringe like looking thing aiming it to lower lid. ahh..the horror. n tht wasn't it..she took two cotton buds and kept pressing on tht swollen spot..to clear away the puss..and soon it bled. god..u can just imagine the agony. glad it's over..it looks like it's on it's way to recovery so yay? haha alright.
okay so besides tht bad bits...here comes the goodie! i got a new camera yesterday! canon..ixus 55. just for my canada and new york trip. the trip which i'm on hold for!! damn...really really hope i can get the tickets..soon!! argh...please please pleaseeee..i don't wanna be stuck here for another whole month! tht would be disastrious..
so practically i have just been lazing around bring a useless slug. haha and tht's bout it..will keep u updated soon! bye!